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Adjunct Fellows Program

Rationale and Objective

The SEARCA Adjunct Fellows (SAF) Program offers research opportunities along SEARCA's strategic intent of accelerating transformation through agricultural innovation (ATTAIN) to faculty and staff of member and partner universities of the SEARCA-initiated University Consortium for Graduate Education in Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC) as well as to research staff of other organizations under SEAMEO.

Through this program, the Center aims to foster a stronger relationship with the University/ Organization in our common pursuit of excellence towards the acceleration of transformations that elevates the quality of life of farmers and farming families. Moreover, the program promotes the productivity of the UC/Organization members by providing opportunities for publication of the Adjunct Fellow's output.

Appointment and Entitlements

Adjunct Fellows are not to be considered as regular employees of SEARCA. Their participation in the SAF program shall be by invitation only. Appointments shall be for one year, renewable upon mutual agreement of the fellow, his/her home institution, and SEARCA.

Adjunct Fellows shall be provided with the following:

  • A workspace and access to necessary office facilities and equipment;
  • A pre-approved amount of funds, depending on the nature of activity to be carried out, to cover communication, supplies, travels, and related expenses; and
  • Other support schemes that may be jointly agreed upon by the contracting parties.

Accountabilities and Expected Output

The accountabilities of and expectations from Adjunct Fellows are as follows:

  1. Carry out the approved activity in coordination with the hosting SEARCA department.
  2. Provide regular progress reports on the activities being undertaken.
  3. Generate publishable material, which shall acknowledge the Adjunct Fellow's home institution and the assistance of SEARCA and other involved parties/institutions. SEARCA shall be given the first option of publishing the material, whether solely or in partnership with other institutions/scholarly presses.

Guidelines for Invitation and Appointment

In determining the suitability of the invited fellow, the following guidelines are to be applied:

  1. The candidate must have:
    • The intellectual capacity to undertake productive agricultural and rural development research within pre-identified priority themes of SEARCA.
    • High potential for excelling in his/her field of specialization.
    • Preferably recently completed his/her doctorate (at most five years prior to the fellowship).
    • The home institution's clearance for the invited fellow to accept SEARCA's invitation to the SAF Program.
  2. The activities to be undertaken must:
    • Complement the Center's thrust on ATTAIN and align with SEARCA's programs.
    • Possess strong potentials to generate external funding for program sustainability.

For those who wish to be invited, please write a letter of interest addressed to the Director and email your curriculum vitae (CV) together with the accomplished application form to .

The Director
College, Los Baños
4031 Laguna, Philippines

Application Form