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SEARCA Regional Professorial Chair Grants


SEARCA has been in the forefront of efforts to develop agriculture and development practitioners/experts within and outside Southeast Asia. A strong cadre of agriculture professionals will help the Center in its mandate to bring about agricultural and rural development (ARD) in the region. Since AY 2012-2013, the SEARCA Regional Professorial Chair Grant has recognized the contribution of institutions and individuals in the fields of agriculture and related sciences, thereby contributing to ARD in Southeast Asia through instruction, research, innovation, and extension work.

Objectives and Priority Focus

The objective of the grant is to acknowledge outstanding Southeast Asian experts in the academe whose achievements have made great impact or contributions towards Carbon-Wise Agriculture: Winnable Innovative Solutions for the Environment, as applied towards any of the following priority areas:

Smart Agri-Food Systems

  • Value Chain Enhancement for Increased Productivity and Income
  • Low-carbon Agriculture and Nature-based Solutions for Climate Resilience
  • Food Safety and Nutrition Security

Agricultural Innovation and Digitalization

  • Digital Technologies in the Food and Agriculture Sector
  • Innovation and Technological Integration

Future of Work in Agriculture

  • Transformation Leadership
  • Modern and Innovative Approaches in Education and Learning
  • Micro-credentials


  1. The grant is open to outstanding Southeast Asian experts in the academe whose achievements have made great impact or contributions towards Carbon-WISE.
  2. Each year, the call for candidates to the SEARCA Regional Professorial Chair will be sent to universities in the Southeast Asian Region. The nominating university will submit to SEARCA the following documents on or before the deadline:
    1. Letter from the Chief Executive/Head of the Institution endorsing at most two screened applicants with a summary of information on the credentials of the nominee(s) based on Form 1
    2. Curriculum vitae of the recommended/endorsed faculty members and a summary of the information (Form 1).
    3. A summary/outline of proposed lecture of the faculty member-applicant of not more than three pages highlighting their research results and describing its relevance in terms of regional development issues and as they relate to SEARCA's thrusts.
  3. The awardee must meet the following requirements:
    1. Must be a Southeast Asian national, with tenure position and holding an academic rank of not lower than Assistant Professor.
    2. Must have a PhD degree with proven track record and excellence in teaching, research, and public service.
    3. Must have not received SEARCA Professorial Chair award in the past.
    4. Must have the official endorsement of the Chief Executive/Head of his/her institution not only on the applicant's academic qualification but also on his/her good moral character.
  4. The following are the responsibilities of the awardee:
    1. Teach at least one graduate course in his/her area of specialization at the university during the year of award.
    2. Deliver at least one public lecture on his/her proposed topic during the period of award.
    3. Submit a copy of his/her public lecture to SEARCA upon culmination of his/her professorial chair award.
    4. Submit a monograph version of his/her paper for possible publication by SEARCA
  5. The awardee will receive a grant of USD 5,000.00.

Since AY 2012-2013, the SEARCA Regional Professorial Chair grant has been awarded to 62 individuals as follows:


The SEARCA Regional Professorial Chair will be guided by the following schedule:

Call for applications December/January of every year
Deadline of submission February of the following year
Evaluation of nominees March
Awarding of Professorial Chair Grant April/May

Contact Information

For inquiries, please contact:

Education and Collective Learning - Graduate Scholarship and Institutional Development (ECL-GSID)

Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA)
College, Los Baños, 4031 Laguna, Philippines
  • +63 49 554-9330 to 39
  • +63 49 536-2290
  • +63 2 8657-1300 to 02 (local 2200 to 2203)