Date: 23 November 2021 Speakers: Mr. Raphael GlemetSenior Programme OfficerWater and WetlandsScience and Strategy GroupIUCN AsiaSession 1: Introduction to Nature-based Solutions (NbS): Background, definition, and key examples from Southeast Asia Ms. Maeve NightingaleSenior Programme OfficerCoastal and MarineScience and Strategy GroupIUCN AsiaSession 2: Deep dive into the IUCN Global Standard for NbS Dr. Andrew WyattDeputy HeadIndo-Burma GroupIUCN AsiaSession 3: Flood-based agriculture in the Mekong Delta Mr. Nasrudin A. Buisan, EnPFacultyCotabato State UniversityPhilippinesSession 3: Livelihoods and the Environment: The Case of Ligawasan Marsh, Maguindanao, Philippines Partner: International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)