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37 Southeast Asians awarded SEARCA Scholarship

  • 30 August 2016

New scholars 2016

Thirty-seven Southeast Asians are now included in the roster of graduate students who are pursuing their study programs through the SEARCA scholarship. Of these new SEARCA scholars, 23 are enrolling for their Master’s degree, while 14 are taking their PhD. In terms of academic discipline, there is almost an equal distribution of scholars in the social sciences and natural sciences.

Most of the new scholars (22) are based at the University of the Philippines Los Baños, while 7 are enrolled at Kasetsart University (KU) in Thailand, 4 in Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) in Indonesia, 3 in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), and 1 in Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in Indonesia.

The new SEARCA scholars are as follows:

Degree/Study Program 
Study Post 
Heng Chou Long Cambodia MS in Agricultural and Resource Economics KU
Meas Soborn Cambodia MS in Agricultural Resource and Development KU
Phauk Ya Cambodia MS in Agronomy UPLB
Sem Savuth Cambodia MS in Agronomy UPLB
Sel Rechaney Cambodia MS in Community Development UPLB
Jan Lorenzo G. Alegado Philippines MS in Agricultural Economics UPLB
Hector Bryan P. Grama Philippines MS in Agricultural Economics UPLB
Ericson N. Dela Cruz Philippines PhD in Community Development UPLB
Kendri Wahyuningsih Indonesia MS in Agro-industrial Technology UGM
Rahmawaty Zulfiningrum Indonesia PhD in Communication, Agriculture, and Rural Development IPB
Deasy Fitriati Nasution Indonesia PhD in Agricultural Engineering UPLB
Fadhliani Indonesia PhD in Water Resources Engineering UPM
Kongmy Nongboudtalath Lao PDR MS in Development Management and Governance UPLB
Phouthasone Khouangvichit Lao PDR MS in Environmental Science UPLB
Bounho Koulavong Lao PDR MS in Forestry UPLB
Jason Choy Min Sheng Malaysia MS in Aquaculture Nutrition UPM
Han Nwe Soe Myanmar MS in Agricultural Economics UPLB
Ei Ei Thein Myanmar MS in Agronomy UPLB
May Soe Oo Myanmar MS in Agronomy UPLB
Kay Thi Khaing Myanmar MS in Extension Education UPLB
Aye Thandar Cho Myanmar MS in Tropical Agriculture KU
Nge Htwe Su Han Myanmar MS in Tropical Agriculture KU
Yarzar Hein Myanmar PhD in Agricultural and Resource Economics KU
Teerapong Wongsathan Thailand MS in Extension Education UPLB
Bordeesorn Phumrungruang Thailand PhD in Agricultural Extension UPLB
Wannasiri Wannasupchue Thailand PhD in Food Management UPM
Adelia Caetano Gonzaga Dos Santos Timor Leste MS in Animal Production and Technology IPB
Jose Da Costa Ronal Freygen Timor Leste MS in Plant Breeding and Biotechnology IPB
Luis Manual Branco Timor Leste PhD in Agronomy and Horticulture IPB
Afonso Candido Timor Leste PhD in Community Development UPLB
Nguyen Manh Hieu Vietnam MS in Agricultural Economics UPLB
Phap Ngoc Hoang Tran Vietnam MS in Bio-Veterinary Science KU
Ho Ngoc Cuong Vietnam PhD in Agricultural Economics UPLB
Tran Manh Hai Vietnam PhD in Agricultural Economics UPLB
Ong Quoc Cuong Vietnam PhD in Agricultural Economics UPLB
Nguyen Thi Huyen Vietnam PhD in Environmental Science UPLB
Nguyen Thanh Trung Vietnam PhD in Tropical Agriculture KU

The SEARCA scholarship will cover the scholars’ tuition fee for two years (Master’s degree) or three years (for PhD), monthly stipend, book allowance, health insurance, travel allowance, and thesis budget.

The SEARCA scholarship, established in July 1968, is open to nationals of SEAMEO member countries, namely Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam, to pursue advanced studies leading to master’s and doctoral degrees in agriculture, forestry, and related sciences. Moreover, their research topics should fall within SEARCA’s strategic thrusts on social inclusion, environmental sustainability, and cross-cutting concerns, which are the priority areas of the Center’s for its 10th five year plan.