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SEARCA-ASFN Strategic Response Fund conducts M&E Workshop with Grantees

  • 26 August 2016

Mr. Ajie Rahmansyah, staff of the Directorate General Watershed Management and Social Forestry, Ministry of Environment and Forestry share their project accomplishments, learnings, and recommendations.

Jakarta, Indonesia - The Project Management Office of the ASEAN Social Forestry Network Strategic Response Fund (PMO-ASRF) conducted a Monitoring and Evaluation Workshop for the four projects supported by the ASRF in Indonesia on 19 August 2016, namely: the Directorate of Social Forestry Development, Ministry of Environment and Forestry; Indigenous Nature Conservation Society (Yayasan Pribumi Alam Lestari (YPAL)); Rumoh Transparansi; and Community Forest Forum Lampung Province (Forum Hutan Kemasyarakatan Provinsi Lampung (HKm)).

Mr. Taufik Abdullah, Officer of Rumoh Transparansi explains the organizational structure of the ethnic group, Mukim, during his presentation of project accomplishments

The four grantees presented their project accomplishments, challenges, lessons learned, and way forward. The Directorate of Forestry reported that the consultation-workshop to strengthen multi-stakeholder participation was well attended by the different government bodies in Indonesia. For the first time, the 70 participants from various sectors came together with the common objective of increasing the welfare and benefits that people get from the forest. YPAL on the other hand, presented the output of their study on assessing socio-economic and environmental impacts of forest management and micro-hydro development at the buffer zone of a conservation area in West Java. HKm shared the results of their capacity needs assessment of extension workers in Lampung, while Rumoh Transparansi, an NGO based in Aceh, shared the outputs of their workshop and survey for the establishment of a protocol for recognizing the traditional forest management of the ethnic group, Mukim. Most of the grantees have completed the major activities. Project reports are currently being prepared; videos, books, and policy briefs are also forthcoming.

The grantees will present their final project outputs during the Knowledge Sharing Workshop to be held in SEARCA, Los Baños, Philippines, in November 2016.

The M&E workshop was held immediately after the Planning Meeting for Phase III (2017-2020) of the ASEAN-Swiss Partnership on Social Forestry and Climate Change (ASFCC). The ASRF was established in April 2014 as a flexible funding mechanism of the ASFCC. (Mary Ann Batas)