It was the third time Vietnam hosted the SEARCA GBM since it joined the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) in 1965.
As the highest policymaking body of SEARCA, the Governing Board (GB), composed of representatives from the 11 SEAMEO member countries, conducts an annual evaluation of the Center's work in the region as well as its financial health and operational performance.
During the meeting, the GB lauded SEARCA's accomplishments in the past fiscal year and expressed continued support in the Center's programs and activities in the next fiscal year. They also provided guidance and directions for the Center to ensure that it effectively responds to the persistent and emerging concerns related to the agricultural and rural development of the region.
Dr. Pham Quang Hung, Director General of the International Cooperation Department of the Vietnam Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) joined the opening program of the meeting representing the Minister, His Excellency Prof. Dr. Phung Xuan Nha, as the Guest of Honor. Dr. Vo Tong Xuan, Rector Emeritus of An Giang University and the first recipient of the Dioscoro L. Umali Achievement Award for Agricultural Development, also attended the event and gave a message highlighting SEARCA's significant contributions to the agricultural and rural development of Vietnam and Southeast Asia.
Dr. Pham Quang Hung, Director General of the International Cooperation Department of the Minsitry of Education and Training (MOET), Vietnam delivered the welcome remarks during the Opening Ceremony of the 66th SEARCA GBM.
Dr. Fernando C. Sanchez, Jr., Country Representative of the Philippines and Chair of the SEARCA Governing Board, delivered a message during the opening ceremonies of the 66th SEARCA GBM.
Also in attendance were SEARCA's partners based in Hanoi, including the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), as well as SEARCA's graduate scholarship alumni from Vietnam, who all shared testimonies of how the Center's work have contributed in the human resource development in their country and the region.
The 66th GBM was presided by Dr. Fernando C. Sanchez, Jr., Country Representative of the Philippines and Concurrent Chair of the SEARCA GB.