Participants of the consultation workshop were from the academe, media, farmer groups, and LGUs, together with the SEARCA team and resource speakers.
Building on its goal to maximize academe-industry-government interconnectivity, the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) convened representatives from the academe, media, farmer groups, and local government units in the province of Agusan del Norte for the Stakeholders Consultation Workshop: Building Alliances for Modern Biotechnology Promotion and Uptake in the Philippines. The event, co-organized with the Caraga State University (CSU), was held on 24 October 2024 at the CSU Campus. It provided an inclusive platform to gather feedback, share information, and build consensus among stakeholders to support the provincial government in promoting the uptake of biotech innovations in the locale.
In her welcome message, Dr. Gerlie Tatlonghari, Program Head for Research and Thought Leadership, stressed the need for a strategic and multistakeholder approach to create a robust framework that will drive the successful adoption of biotechnology. She also encouraged the participants to actively participate and share their insights during the workshop. Key university officials, including Dr. Fernando Herrera, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Engr. Jeffrey Dellosa, Vice President for Research, Innovation, and Extension, and Dr. Elizabeth Parac, Dean of the College of Agriculture and Agri-Industry, voiced their support for the activity, emphasizing the important role of biotech in fostering sustainable agriculture and enhancing food security. This initiative also aligns with CSU's goal to serve as a catalyst for regional development, not only in education but also through research, innovation, and community engagement that will benefit farmers in the CARAGA region.
From left: Dr. Fernando T. Herrera, Engr. Jeffrey Dellosa and Dr. Elizabeth Parac from CSU spoke about the university's role in advancing biotechnology in the region and strengthening its partnership with SEARCA.
In the first half of the workshop, participants were given an overview of biotechnology, covering basic concepts and applications, regulatory processes, and biotech crops in the pipeline. Mr. Neill Armand Padlan, Communication Officer from the Department of Agriculture-Biotechnology Program Office (DA-BPO), spoke about DA-BPO's programs and activities supporting the advancement of biotechnology in the country. This includes upgrading research and development facilities/laboratories for academic use, capacity-building initiatives for students, researchers, regulators, and policymakers, and various Information Education Communication (IEC) efforts.
Ms. Darlene Joy Siena, Science Research Specialist I from the Biotech Office of the DA-Bureau of Plant Industry (DA-BPI), presented the biosafety regulations governing the development of modern biotechnology in the Philippines, detailing the rigorous process that genetically modified (GM) crops must undergo before reaching the market. She also highlighted the role of local governments in regulating biotech crops, particularly in facilitating public participation in field trials and public hearings.
From left: Mr. Neill Armand Padlan and Ms. Darlene Joy Siena presented the programs of DA-BPO and the biosafety regulations in the Philippines, respectively.
Dr. Lourdes Taylo, Project Leader of the Bt Eggplant Project and Scientist I and Affiliate Professor from the University of the Philippines Los Baños-Institute of Plant Breeding (UPLB-IPB), discussed the basics of biotechnology. She highlighted several biotech crops developed in the Philippines, including Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) eggplant, Golden Rice, Bt cotton, and Bt corn—the only GM crop currently available in the country. Dr. Taylo noted that these crops are innovative products of modern biotechnology developed to address agriculture and food security challenges and are just part of a broader set of tools. Together with other solutions, they aim to improve farmers' livelihoods, promote a healthier environment, and modernize agriculture.
Dr. Taylo continued with the development of the Bt eggplant. Developed by UPLB-IPB, Bt eggplant is resistant to the Eggplant Fruit and Shoot Borer (EFSB), which accounts for up to 80 percent yield loss when left unmanaged. Farmers usually become overdependent on chemical controls to manage EFSB, posing risks to their health and the environment. With its insect-resistant trait, Bt eggplant addresses this concern while remaining safe for nontarget insects and humans. While it's still undergoing the regulatory process in the Philippines, the GM crop is already a success story in Bangladesh, increasing farmers' revenue by 21.7 percent and reducing pesticide expenses by 61 percent.
Another biotech crop in the pipeline is the Malusog Rice or Golden Rice, presented by Dr. Marissa Romero, PFT Lead, Demand Project; Grain Quality and Nutrition Component, Supply Project of DA-Philippine Rice Research Institute's (PhilRice) Healthier Rice Program. Malusog Rice aims to address vitamin A deficiency, a significant health problem in the country. It is as safe as the regular variety but with the added benefits of beta-carotene in the grain. According to Dr. Romero, their plans include introducing Malusog Rice in additional rice varieties and enhancing its nutritional value by adding zinc and iron.
From left: Dr. Lourdes Taylo discussed the basics of biotech and the development of Bt eggplant, while Mr. Edwin Paraluman shared his experiences as a Bt corn farmer. Dr. Marissa Romero, who covered Malusog Rice, joined the discussion via Zoom.
Finally, Mr. Edwin Paraluman, a biotech champion, Bt corn farmer from General Santos City, and the Chairman of the Philippine Farmers Advisory Board and the Asian Farmer's Network (ASFARNET)-Philippines gave a first-hand perspective on the benefits of adopting biotech crops. He recalled that his father initially discouraged him from pursuing farming, which was often associated with poverty. Eventually, he became one of the country's early adopters of Bt corn, doubling his income and yield. Knowing his crop is protected from pests has also given him peace of mind. He reassured the participants about the safety of biotech crops and encouraged them to keep an open mind about these modern technologies.
The workshop in the afternoon gathered insights on the challenges faced by each sector in promoting biotech crops and explored strategies to support the adoption of biotech in their province. The groups identified common issues, including the need for more local experts, limitations in information dissemination, varying levels of public acceptance and skepticism toward biotechnology, and the difficulty of translating biotech concepts into the local language. Each sector also made recommendations, including producing and distributing IEC materials, featuring biotech products and stories in local media, and reviewing the curriculum to integrate program offerings on biotechnology.
Attended by around 50 participants, the activity was part of the Bridging and Upgrading the Mechanisms and Pathways for the Uptake of Biotech (BUMP UP Biotech) Project. This IEC project is implemented under SEARCA's Agriculture, Forestry, and Natural Resources (AFNR) Knowledge Platform and funded by the DA-Bureau of Agricultural Research through DA-BPO. This also serves as a build-up activity of SEARCA in celebration of National Biotechnology Week.