SEARCA offers online English lessons for scholars

  • 3 September 2024

SEARCA offers online English lessons for scholars

The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), through its Education and Collective Learning Department (ECLD), organized the 2024 Online Basic English Course for Scholars from 29 July to 17 August 2024. This course aimed to improve the scholars' English skills and increase their confidence in using the language, particularly in preparation for their academic work. Traditionally held in person, SEARCA shifted to developing online modules for the Basic English Course in 2024 to better cater to the changing needs of new SEARCA scholars, many of whom already have English proficiency test scores that meet the scholarship requirements.

SEARCA offers online English lessons for scholars

Eight scholars participated in the course, joining synchronous sessions for Module 1 on speech improvement and conversations for social and academic situations, led by Ms. Ann Michelle V. de Ocampo via Zoom. The scholars then continued their studies asynchronously on Google Classroom with Module 2 on academic reading delivered by Ms. Rubie Sajise, Module 3 on grammar taught by Ms. Madonna M. Dimaano, and Module 4 on writing lectured by Mrs. Emerita C. Cervantes. To further support the scholars, a one-day synchronous student-teacher interaction was arranged for each of Modules 2–4 via Zoom, allowing participants to ask questions and clarify course materials.

The Basic English Course is part of the Center's Graduate on Time (GOT) program. It offers scholars and grantees a comprehensive support system to help them complete their degrees on schedule while fostering their overall well-being. This program provides tailored training in English proficiency, scientific writing, research methods, data analysis, and presentation skills.