The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) has opened its 18th annual photo contest and invites photographers across Southeast Asia to capture compelling images related to the theme "The Future of Farming: Pathways to Carbon-Neutral Agriculture."
This year's photo tilt edition of the competition seeks photographs that showcase innovative and sustainable agricultural practices in the Southeast Asia.
"SEARCA is looking for impactful images that demonstrate practical solutions to the challenges faced by farmers in Southeast Asia while promoting environmental responsibility and sustainable farming methods," said SEARCA Director Dr. Glenn Gregorio.
The contest is open to both professional and amateur photographers of all ages who are citizens of Southeast Asian countries, including the Philippines, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam.
Gregorio said submissions will be judged based on their relevance to the theme, technical quality, and overall visual impact.
Winners will receive cash prizes, with $1,000 for the first place, $800 for the second place, and $600 for the third place.
Additional recognitions include the SEARCA Director's Choice and the Philippine Department of Education Secretary's Choice, each receiving $500, along with $300 for the Best Youth Photographer and $300 for the People's Choice Award, the latter determined through Facebook voting.
Participants must submit original and unaltered photographs that have not previously been awarded or published. Each entrant can submit multiple images, accompanied by captions of up to 100 words explaining the photo's context and significance.
The deadline for submissions is January 15, 2025. Entries must be submitted through the official SEARCA Photo Contest website.