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SEARCA in the News

The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) in partnership with SyCip Gorres Velayo & Co. (SGV) was tapped by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to formulate the National Agriculture and Fishery Modernization and Industrialization Plan (Nafmip) 2021-2030. The Nafmip, which is the 10-year directional plan of the Department of Agriculture (DA), was launched during the 2022 National Farmers and Fisherfolks' Month in May with former Agriculture secretary William Dar leading the ceremonial acceptance of the plan by agri-fishery stakeholders. Farmers and fisherfolk signed a pledge of support to the Nafmip. SEARCA Director Dr. Glenn… Read more
The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), in partnership with SyCip Gorres Velayo & Co. (SGV), was tapped by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to formulate the National Agriculture and Fishery Modernization and Industrialization Plan (NAFMIP) 2021-2030, the 10-year directional plan of the Department of Agriculture (DA). The NAFMIP 2021-2030 was presented and launched publicly during the 2022 National Farmers and Fisherfolks’ Month held last May with former Agriculture Secretary William Dar leading the ceremonial acceptance of the plan by agri-fishery stakeholders. Farmers and fishers also signed a pledge of support to the NAFMIP… Read more
THE Department of Education (DepEd) and the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) have renewed a long-term partnership to promote agriculture among Filipino learners and educators. According to SEARCA Director Dr. Glenn Gregorio, the partnership is for the two agencies to collaborate on several activities, including joint research, capacity building activities, and knowledge and information exchange that benefit both learners and educators in the Philippines. The institutional cooperation between DepEd and SEARCA was formalized under a memorandum of understanding (MoU) during the Strategic Planning Workshop of the DepEd-Bureau of Learner Support Services or BLSS… Read more
The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) and the Department of Education (DepEd) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for institutional cooperation on 29 June 2022 with Dr. Glenn B. Gregorio, SEARCA Director, and Dr. Leonor Magtolis Briones, who was the DepEd Secretary at the time, as signatories. They agreed to collaborate on joint research, capacity building activities, and knowledge and information exchange to benefit both learners and educators in the country. “We acknowledge the important role of DepEd in the country in promoting agriculture among the Filipino youth,” Gregorio said during the ceremonial… Read more
THE Department of Education (DepEd) と東南アジア地域農業大学院研究研究センター (SEARCA) は、フィリピンの学習者と教育者の間で農業を促進するための長期的なパートナーシップを更新しました。 SEARCAのディレクターであるGlenn Gregorio博士によると、このパートナーシップは、フィリピンの学習者と教育者の両方に利益をもたらす共同研究、能力開発活動、知識と情報の交換など、いくつかの活動で2つの機関が協力するためのものです。 DepEd と SEARCA の間の制度上の協力は、6 月 29 日にカビテ州タンザで開催された学習者支援サービスの DepEd-Bureau または BLSS の戦略計画ワークショップ中に覚書 (MoU) の下で正式に締結されました。 グレゴリオとサーカ行政副局長のホセリート・フロレンドと教育省次官のアラン・デル・パスクアが協定の署名者でした。 グレゴリオ氏は、パートナーシップの更新の一環として、SEARCA と DepEd が、DepEd の Gulayan sa Paaralan または GPP プログラムを補完する SEARCA イニシアチブである School-plus-Home Gardens Project (S+HGP) の活性化と拡大に取り組んでいると述べました。 最新ニュースを入手する受信トレイに配信 The Manila Times の日刊ニュースレターにサインアップする メールアドレスでサインアップすることにより、利用規約とプライバシーポリシーを読んで同意したことを認めます. 7 月 21 日、SEARCA は、パラワンのブスアンガで、44 人​​の校長、GPP コーディネーター、地域の農業普及員を対象に、教師と地方自治体の職員向けに野菜生産に関するトレーニング ワークショップを実施し、Pilipinas Shell Foundation Inc. (PSFI) の専門家によってトレーニングを受けました。 )、SEARCA のパートナーの 1 つです。 グレゴリオ氏によると、SEARCA、DepEd、カンザス州立大学、ブスアンガのサルバシオン国立高等学校、およびレガロン キリット財団とのパートナーシップによるこのトレーニングは、農作物の生産と菜園活動を強化して、農村部の食料と栄養の不安と貧困に対処することを目的としています。エリア。 調印式のMOUの間、彼は、フィリピンの若者の間で農業を促進する上で、同国でDepEdが重要な役割を果たしていることを認めました. 基礎教育のカリキュラムに統合された大学院レベルの研究が Briones の行動への呼びかけであったのは、昨年の SEARCA の 55 周年を記念する仮想イベントの最中でした。 元教育責任者は、SEARCA の科学者の研究結果と発見を翻訳し、それらを基礎教育と、フィリピンの子供たちが科学、芸術、環境の不思議と美しさについて学ぶことができるレッスンに使用することに関心を示しています。 Gregorio 氏は、カリキュラムと指導のリーダーとしての DepEd の使命に沿って、SEARCA は、農業イノベーションを通じて変革を加速することを目的とした 7 つの優先分野の 1 つとして、農業および農村開発 (ARD) への若者の関与を優先していると述べました。 彼はまた、DepEd が農家やコミュニティの生活を向上させるという使命を追求するため、SEARCA を無限にサポートしてくれたことに感謝の意を表しました。 Pascua 次官は、SEARCA と DepEd には 1 つの共通の目的があると述べました。 「DepEd 内で農業を発展させ、促進したいと考えています。DepEd… Read more
Le ministère de l’Éducation (DepEd) et le Centre régional d’études supérieures et de recherche en agriculture de l’Asie du Sud-Est (Searca) ont renouvelé un partenariat à long terme pour promouvoir l’agriculture auprès des apprenants et des éducateurs philippins. Selon le directeur de Searca, le Dr Glenn Gregorio, le partenariat consiste pour les deux agences à collaborer sur plusieurs activités, y compris la recherche conjointe, les activités de renforcement des capacités et l’échange de connaissances et d’informations qui profitent à la fois aux apprenants et aux éducateurs aux Philippines. La coopération institutionnelle entre DepEd et Searca a été officialisée dans le… Read more
The Section of Training (DepEd) and the Southeast Asia Regional Agricultural Postgraduate Review and Exploration Centre (SEARCA) have re-recognized a extended-standing partnership to endorse agricultural growth between Filipino learners and educators. According to SEARCA Director Dr. Glenn Gregorio, the partnership aims to see the two establishments collaborate on a quantity of functions, together with joint study, ability setting up activities, and expertise and data exchange, which are useful to both learners and educators in the Philippines. There are advantages. The institutional collaboration between DepEd and SEARCA was formalized beneath a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on June 29 during the DepEd-Bureau… Read more
Our agrarian reform program limits farm sizes to uneconomical levels, making it impossible for our farmers to earn enough to get themselves out of poverty. The other strong deterrent for better productivity is tradition. Farmers are by nature tradition-bound. This is more so because the average age of our farmers is now in the early 60s. It is difficult to make them shift to higher yielding rice varieties. It is even more difficult to make them shift to planting higher value crops better suited to the type of soil they have and more likely to earn them more. I was… Read more
The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), in partnership with SyCip Gorres Velayo & Co. (SGV), was tapped by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to formulate the National Agriculture and Fishery Modernization and Industrialization Plan (NAFMIP) 2021-2030, the 10-year directional plan of the Department of Agriculture (DA). The NAFMIP 2021-2030 was presented and launched publicly during the 2022 National Farmers and Fisherfolks’ Month held last May 16 with former Agriculture Secretary William Dar leading the ceremonial acceptance of the plan by agri-fishery stakeholders. Farmers and fishers also signed a pledge of support to the… Read more
The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) and the Department of Education (DepEd) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for institutional cooperation on 29 June 2022 with Dr. Glenn B. Gregorio, SEARCA Director, and Dr. Leonor Magtolis Briones, who was the DepEd Secretary at the time, as signatories. They agreed to collaborate on joint research, capacity building activities, and knowledge and information exchange to benefit both learners and educators in the country. Graduate-level researches integrated into the curriculum of basic education was the call to action of Briones during a virtual event commemorating SEARCA’s… Read more
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