SEARCA in the News

TECHNOLOGY innovations introduced by two universities based in Luzon and Mindanao will help smallholder vegetable farmers automate their nutrient management process, minimize labor costs and connect directly with consumers to improve their margins, yields and livelihood. These are the Automated Irrigation and Nutrient Management system by Team Airin from the Nueva Vizcaya State University (NVSU) and Alipugpug Tech Solutions vertical farming system by Project Angat from the University of Mindanao (UM). NVSU's Team Airin and UM's Project Angat were deemed the most innovative teams in the second year of the Innovation Olympics (IO 2.0), a nationwide agri-hackathon that provides an… Read more
In an unexpected turn of events, Team AIRIN from Nueva Vizcaya State University (NVSU) and Project Angat from University of Mindanao (UM) both came out victorious in the Innovation Olympics 2.0.(IO 2.0) Grand Finals. Team AIRIN’s Automated Irrigation and Nutrient Management system and Project Angat’s vertical farming system made them the Grand Winners in the second year of the agri-hackathon. Their winning projects can help smallholder vegetable farmers increase their yields and incomes through the use of precision agriculture. From 21 participating teams composed of undergraduate and graduate students from across the country, six finalists were selected by a panel of experts and judges. The finalists were all given… Read more
EDUCATION chief Leonor Magtolis Briones' passion for education and governance was recognized by the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) after naming a new gumamela hybrid in her honor. Now on its 21st year, the Women in Public Service series names Gumamela or "Hibiscus rosa-sinensis" hybrids after women who have dedicated their time and effort to public service. "I am humbled and deeply honored to have a wonderful variant of Gumamela named after me. As a nature lover and educator, I appreciate UPLB's Women in Public Service series that recognizes outstanding Filipino women in government," Sec. Briones said. Secretary… Read more
A new gumamela hybrid was named “Leonor Magtolis Briones” in honor of the secretary of the Department of Education. The University of the Philippines-Los Banos (UPLB) named its new gumamela hybrid after Education Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones as part of the university’s Women in Public Service series, a news release said. Briones thanked former UP president and National Scientist Emil Javier, the UPLB, the Institute of Plant Breeding (IPB), and the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (Searca) for naming the new Hibiscus rosa-sinensis hybrid after her. “Thank you very much, I know that [former… Read more
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BOGOR -- Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) diandalkan dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional. Sementara itu, semua produk yang diperdagangkan, termasuk produk UMKM, harus memiliki sertifikasi halal, kecuali barang atau produk haram. Di balik itu, sertifikasi halal UMKM memiliki sejumlah kendala. Yaitu ketersediaan anggaran serta pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang halal serta proses sertifikasinya. Menurut Kepala Pusat Kajian Sains Halal, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) IPB University, Prof Khaswar Syamsu, langkah awal dalam melakukan sertifikasi halal adalah memahami persyaratan dan regulasi sertifikasi halal. Cara memahami persyaratan tersebut adalah membaca standar serta mengikuti pelatihan penyelia halal. “Sistem Jaminan Halal (SJH)… Read more
The University of the Philippines-Los Baños (UPLB) has named a new gumamela flower hybrid in honor of Secretary Leonor Briones of the Department of Education. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis “Leonor M. Briones” was so named for the education chief’s “outstanding contributions to society” and for her “basic education reform initiatives.” Developed by the Institute of Plant Breeding, the new hybrid dedicated to Briones was formally presented and awarded to her on Saturday by plant breeder Agripina Rasco. Now in its 21st year, the Women in Public Service series names Gumamela or “Hibiscus rosa-sinensis” hybrids after women who have dedicated their time… Read more
On her 81st birthday, Education Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones received a very special gift — a flowering plant named after her. In recognition of her passion for education and governance, the University of the Philippines – Los Baños (UPLB) named a new gumamela hybrid after the incumbent Secretary of the Department of Education (DepEd) who is celebrating her 81st birthday on Saturday, Oct. 16. “I am humbled and deeply honored to have a wonderful variant of Gumamela named after me,” Briones said. The newest Hibiscus rosa-sinensis “Leonor Magtolis Briones” was named after the Education Chief for her outstanding contributions to… Read more
The following link will take you to New gumamela hybrid named after Education Secretary Leonor Briones… Read more
Education Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones now has a hybrid gumamela named after her. The University of the Philippines - Los Baños said this is in honor of Briones' passion for education and governance. “I am humbled and deeply honored to have a wonderful variant of Gumamela named after me. As a nature lover and educator, I appreciate the UPLB’s Women in Public Service series that recognizes outstanding Filipino women in government,” Briones said in a statement on Saturday. UPLB's Women in Public Service series is now on its 21st year.  The new Hibiscus rosa-sinensi “Leonor M. Briones” developed by the… Read more
The University of the Philippines – Los Baños (UPLB) decided to name a new gumamela hybrid after Department of Education Secretary Leonor Briones. The newest Hibiscus rosa-sinensis “Leonor M. Briones” was named under the DepEd chief for her "outstanding contributions to society by setting professional standards for public servants and introducing basic education reform initiatives."  “I am humbled and deeply honored to have a wonderful variant of Gumamela named after me. As a nature lover and educator, I appreciate UPLB’s Women in Public Service series that recognizes outstanding Filipino women in government,” Briones said Saturday. The Women in Public Service… Read more
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