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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Effect of IBA, Nitrogen Fertilizer, and Soil Moisture Content on the Growth Responses of Molave (Vitex Parviflora Juss) and Mahogany (Swietenia Macropylla King) Seedlings

(Thailand), Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Dissertation Abstract:

In the first experiment, molave seeds treated with 90 percent H2SO4 concentration produced the best germination of 63 percent in 30 days, while 87 percent of mahogany seeds germinated in 47 days when treated with cold water. Molave and mahogany seedlings treated with 25 kg N (nitrogen)?ha had satisfactory height growth responses. However, high total dry weight and shoot, root dry weight of these two species were obtained at 25 kg N/ha + IBA 2.5 ppm.

In tissue analysis, percentage of N increased with the increasing amount of Nitrogen application, while phosphorus produced an opposite result. Nitrogen and phosphorus were found higher in the plant tissue at 25 kg N/ha + IBA 2.5 ppm. Shoot and root ratio from this treatment also gave the lowest results.

In the second experiment, seedlings treated with 25 kg N/ha + IBA 2.5 ppm still showed promise of improved plant growth and 100 percent survival. The high growth of both species, however, were changed to a higher level of N and IBA at the termination of the experiment.

In the third experiment, the seedlings treated in the first experiment were subjected to 50, 70, and 90 percent of moisture at field capacity. Nitrogen and water proven to be the most important factors in seedling growth, while IBA improved root formation of seedlings when combined with Nitrogen and water. To improve growth of these two species, 50 kg N/ha + IBA 2.5 ppm + M3 (70%) were suggested.