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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Morphology, Systematics and Phylogeny of the Lac Insects (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Kerriidae)

(Philippines), Doctor of Philosophy in Systematic Entomology (University of the Philippines Los Baños)



The external morphology of adult female insects was studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and light microscopy. Features previously thought to be unique to Kerriidae, namely: anal tubercle, brachia, and brachial plates; and canellae and their associated pores and ducts, were homologous to anal and stigmatic structures of Coccidae. The dorsal spine and post-oral lobed were autapomorphic to the kerriids. The enlargement of anterior spiracle was also autapomorphic. The posterior spiracle was believed to be vestigial.

The genus Austrotachardia was revised and included eight species, namely: A acaciae (Maskell), A. angulata (Froggant), A. australis (Froggant), A. bifida sp. nov., A. longissima sp. nov., A. melaleucae (Maskell), A. micropoda sp. nov., and A. pumila sp. nov. Paratachardina was represented in Australia by four species, namely: P. decorella (Maskell), P. gibbosa sp. nov., P. incognata sp. nov., and P. morobensis (Williams and Watson), and in the Philippines by P. merdelynae sp. nov. and P. minuta (Morrison). Lectotypes were also designated for A. aciaciae, A. angulata, A. australis, A. melaleucae, and P. decorella. Chamberliniella, stat. nov. was recognized as a full genus. Chamberliniella greeni (Chamberlin), comb. nov. and C. meridionalis (Chamberlin) comb. nov. were redescribed. C. fici (Green), C. javana (Chamberlin), and C. rangoonensis (Chamberlin) were also proposed as new combinations. Tachardina aurantiaca (Cockerell) from Southeast Asia was also redescribed. Notes were given for P. minuta and other Southeast Asian species. Illustrations and keys to facilitate identification of genera and species were provided.

A cladistic analysis of the lac insects was conducted. The monophyly of the family Kerriidae and most of its included genera, subtribes, and tribes was confirmed. The Tachardina-Paratachardina clade was paraphyletic. The present subfamily Kerriinae is polyphyletic. A new classification was proposed and involved three subfamilies: Kerriinae sensu stricto, Tachardininae, and Tachardiellinae, stat. nov. Within Kerriinae sensu stricto, are the tribes Kerriini sensu stricto and Metatachardiini tribus nov., and within Tachardiellinae, stat. nov. are the tribes Austrotachardiini and Tachardiellini, stat. nov.