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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Communication Strategies for Sustainable Development of Community Business for Women Farmer Groups in the Central Region of Thailand

(Thailand), Master of Science in Development Communication (Kasetsart University)



Thailand’s economic crisis in 1997-1999 highlighted the need for the Kingdom to rediscover economic fundamentals. The development of sustained community business among the rural population will boost the economy and contribute to the promotion of job opportunities to promote long-term economic stability.

The main objective of the study was to determine successful community strategies and other relevant factors in motivating community members to join and sustain membership in a community business aimed at self-sufficiency. Data used in this study were gathered using a questionnaire supported by focus group discussions and individual interviews. The respondents were members of community business enterprises in the Central region registered with the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives. Statistical treatment of data was done using SPSS generating means and standard deviation. Chi-square and one-way analysis of variance were used in comparisons.

The results of the study showed that interpersonal communication was the most effective communication strategy in community business for women farmer groups in the Central region of Thailand. Informal channels such as word of mouth were more effective compared with formal orders or directives. The use of one-way communication served specific purposes depending on the channel used. Television was effective in motivating members of community business to sustain their involvement in the group. Group communication, being formal, did not appeal to a great extent to the target audience.

Based on the findings in this study, formal methods and channels should be limited to administration matters, and informal methods should be used in disseminating knowledge, fostering positive attitudes, and for sustainability of behavior. Group methods and channels can be best used in skills development.