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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Determinants of Global Competitiveness of the Dry Bean Industry in Myanmar

(Myanmar), Master of Science in Agricultural Economics (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Thesis Abstract:


This study aimed to identify the determinants of global competitiveness of the dry bean industry in Myanmar. Results of t-test of means indicated that the average revealed comparative average (RCA) value of Myanmar dry beans was significantly higher than that of China dry beans. The regression analysis showed that the key determinants of export competitiveness of Myanmar dry beans were exchange rate, domestic production, and domestic consumption. Domestic production of dry beans was positively related to export competitiveness, while exchange rate and domestic consumption of dry beans were negatively related to export competitiveness.

The estimated domestic resource cost (DRC*) and resource cost ratio (RCR*) estimates revealed that Myanmar has a competitive advantage in producing dry beans. The sensitivity analysis using the policy analysis matrix (PAM) showed that DRC* was sensitive to changes in cost of electricity, border price of dry beans, and dry bean yield.

For quality competitiveness, dry bean exporters in Myanmar follow the local standards set by the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI). All the dry beans traded in the world market must pass the Codex Alimentarius standard which is more detailed than the UMFCCI standard. Although Myanmar is in the top position in dry bean export in the world market, it still needs to meet the Codex standard because in the long run, global competitiveness depends on the quality of the product.