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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Integrated Rice-Fish-Sheep Farming System

(Indonesia), Master of Science in Aquaculture (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Thesis Abstract:


The study was conducted to establish an objective basis of integrated rice-fish-sheep farmong system.

Twenty-one paddy plots, 200 square meters each, were used in a randomized complete block design experiment. There were seven treatments replicated three times, with six combinations of 100 and 200 sheep stocking rates/ha and fish stocking rates of 6,000; 6,750, and 7,500 fingerlings/ha. The control had 6,000 fingerlings/ha. Javanese thin-tailed weaning sheep, Cisadane rice variety, and Oreochromis niloticus and Cyprinus carpio stocked at 2:1 ratio were used in the study. The sheep were allowed to graze during daytime and fed with grass in the evening. The sheep excretions fell directly into the catch basin constructed under the shed.

Fish production was numerically higher in paddies with sheep than those without sheep. A combination of 100:7,500 sheep-fish/ha had the highest numerical fish production among the treatments. However, the highest rice production was obtained from the 200:7,500 sheep-fish combination/ha. The highest profit was obtained from the combination of 100:7,500 sheep-fish/ha but it was not significantly different from the control. The sheep-fish stocking system had 27.70 percent more net income than the integrated rice-fish system.