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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Loan Repayment and Tehnician Assistance among Masagana 99 farmers in Bulacan,

(Philippines), Master of Science (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Thesis Abstract:

The study was primarily aimed at determining some factors that effect repayment of Masagana 99 rice production loans and evaluating the technical competence of Masagana 99 technicians.

Respondents comprised three sets; (1) 120 delinquent farmer borrowers; (2) 18 government production technicians and 3 private technicians detailed at rural banks and PNB branchers during Phases III and IV of the M-99 program; and (3) 6 rural banks and 3 PNB branches. Data were gathered with the use of three sets of question, one for each group of respondents, Multiple regression analysis, ranking, frequency counts and percentages were employed in data analysis.

Finding indicated that loan repayment was directly related to farmer;s age farm yield, quantity of palay  sold, farm size, amount of loan and provision for irrigation water. On the other hand, repayment was inveresly related to years of experience, household size, educatonal attainment  and distance between farms and the rural bank.

The number of tehnicians' farm visits was directly related to yield. indicating the completence of the technicians based on visitation frequency.

Low -repayment banks simply waited for farmers to repay and also called for Philippines Constantbulary assistance to have delinquent farmers repay. on the other hand, high-repayment banks employed technicians to followe up loan repayment and issued orders or notices of repayment. In extreme cases legal means were restored to instead of military assistance.

Common problem mentioned by farmers in relation to repayment were bad weather, pest and diseases, unavailability of inputs, component technicians and low palay price.

Technicians ranked the most common causes of low or nonpayment of loans as follows; (1) low price of palay ;(2) diversion of funds; (3) selda system and poor marketing of palay; (4) low yield; and (5) "dole-out" mentality.

Credit agencies ranked and followings as the most common causes of loan repayment problemL (1) diversion of funds; (2) " dole-out" metality (3) little follow up on collection disorganized farmers and incompetent technicians; (4) farmer's negative attitude towards credit agencies; and (5) low yield and selda system.