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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

The Role and Responsibilities of the Principal to Student Teachers

(Thailand), Master of Science (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Thesis Abstract:


Student teaching is defined as the period of guided teaching during which the student takes increasing responsibility for the work with a given group of learners over a period of consecutive weeks.

Some primary responsibilities of the principal in relation to student teachers are: (1) to expose the student teachers to school programs that reflect not only a sound philosophy of education expressed in well-defined goals but also to leading thoughts and practices based on research findings;(2) to promote experimental programs in which student teachers can participate; (3) to provide school-community programs so as to involve the student teachers in community affairs; (4) to develop a sound program of student teaching and to select supervising teachers of superior professional competence; and (5) to be familiar with the aims, functions and procedures of the student teaching program.

Some minor responsibilities of the school principal are: (1) to welcome the student teachers to the school either individually or in groups and to introduce them to the school staff; (2) to introduce them to the general school program and to acquaint them with the school plant; (3) to invite them to meetings of the faculty and of the PTA, and have them participate in school and community activities; (4) to observe the student teachers at work in order to help the supervising teacher analyze and evaluate their professional growth, and to check frequently if they are becoming a real part of the program; and (5) to attend workshops and conferences on student teaching.