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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

In-Service Training Needs of Agricultural Technicians in Peninsular Malaysia

(Malaysia), Master of Science (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Thesis Abstract:

The study attempted mainly to find out the in-service training needs/problems of agricultural extension technicians in Peninsular Malaysia. Data were gathered through mailed questionnaire involving 190 techinicians and 67 supervisors. Frequency counts, percentages, averages, ranges and weighted scores were used in data analysis.

Findings revealed that the technicians had an average age of 31.05 years, preservice training of 3 years and length of service of 10.20 years. The majority were holders of the Lower Certificate of Educations/Sijil Rendah Persekolohan (LCE/SRP) or possessed higher qualifications. The supervisors had an average age of 27.85 years and 13.99 years of service. Most of them were agricultural assistants.More than 75% of he technicians and less than 50% of the supervisors were married.

Agricultural techinicians generally had not much problems relating to in-service training, but both technicians and supervisors felt that the technicians' difficulties arising from lack of knowledge and skills were realtively greater thatn he constraints in applying them.

With regard to in-service training needs, those perceived to have higher priority for training were program planning, communication and human relations, reporting and evaluation. Technicians' problems and/or needs for in-service training in specific subject-matter areas were more highly perceived by the supervisors than by the technicians themselves.

In-service training methods perceived as most helpful by both supervisors and technicians were field trips, extension workers' conference and seminar- workshops.