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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

The role of the Village Development Council in the Communication Process between Malaysia's Federal Land Development Authority and Its Settlers

(Malaysia), Master of Science (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Thesis Abstract:

The study attempted to determine the role of the Village Development Council(VDC) in the communication process between the Federal Land Development Authority(FELDA) and the settlers, other information sources, and the effect of VDC's credibility on the settlers' communication behavior.

Data were obtained by interviewing 205 settlers and 40 VDC members of 4 selected settelement schemes in west Malaysia. Chi-square, t-test and F-test of analysis of variance were used in analyzing the data.

Findings showed that the VDC was well utilized as an information channel from FELDA to the settlers but not from settlers to FELDA. IN the latter case, the settlers preffered FELDA source for olicy an agricultural topics, and peronal sources for community affairs.

No relationship was found between VDC's credibilty and its use by the settlers as a complaint communicatio channel. Partial relationship was manifested between VDC's credibilty and settlers' information seekng behavior only in certain topics such as discipline, welfare services and agricultural practices.

Age and education had no effect on the use of VDC as s communication channel. Settlers of rubber and oil-palm schemes did not differ in communication behavior.