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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Benefit-Cost Analysis of the Linga Livestock and Poultry Raisers' Association of Pila, Laguna Philippines

(Philippines), Master of Science (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Thesis Abstract:

The study was conducted primarily to apply benefit-cost analysis to the Linga Livestock and Poultry Raisers'  Association (LLPRA) in order to determine its remunerativeness.

Include in the study were 66 LLPRA broiler farms located in Linga and other adjacent barrios in the municipality of Pila. Data on the sample farmer were obtained through personal personal interviews oi october 1976. Secondary data were taken from monthly and quarterly field reports, the Association's financial record and UPLB/SEARCA Social Laboratory records. The study covered the period from 1971 to 1975.

Multiple linear regression was used to determine and identify the variable and their their corresponding degrees of significance on the total broilelr production of the LLPRA farms, whilte discounted measures of project worth (benefit-cost ratio, net present worth and internal rate of return) were employed to evaluate the remunerativeness of the individual broiler farms as well as the entire LLPRA.

Result indicate that based on actual prices and other variable held constant, a I-unit increase in present feeed consumption and in broiler price lagged by one year will bring about 6.61 and 117.07 unit increase in either the price of corresponding 21.84 and 0.74 unit decrease in broiler production respectivel. these variables explain 98% of the variations in broiler production.

Based on deflated prices and other variables held constant, a -unit incresed in present food cosumption, in the deflated price of broilers lagged by one year, in total present loans and in total income lagged by one year will produce  corresponding unit increses of 5.33, 379.30, 0.0515 and 0.0612 in broiler production, respectively. However, a unit increase in the present deflated price of medicine or deflated miscellaneous expenses will result in 12.66 and 0.87-unit decrease in broiler production, respectively. These variables also explain 98% of the variations in broiler production.

Of the total individual broiler farms, 87.7% had benefit-cost (B/C) ratios greater than 1, positive net present worths (NPWs) and internal rate of returns (IRRs) above te existing capital opportinity cost of 15%.

Among the total LLPRA broiler farms, 46.1% had B/C ratios ranging from 1.06 to 1.15; 67.6% registered NPWs from 0 to 10,00; and 55.4% gave IRRs over 1005.

The B/C ratio of the entire broiler project (individual broiler farm plus the Association) was 1.09; its NPW, P568,746; and its computed IRR, 266%