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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Tannin and HCN Concentrations in Grain Sorghum

(Vietnam), Master of Science (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Thesis Abstract:


Greenhouse experiment were conducted to determine the effect of soil moisture, soil type, time of harvest and crop age on the concentration of hydrocyanic acid (HCN) is sorghum plants, and the effect of soil moisture and soil type on tannin concentration in grain sorghum at maturity.

Results showed that regardless of soil type and soil moisture, sorghum harvested in the morning had higher HCN concentration than that harvested in the afternoon.

An increase in the level of soil moisture decreased the amount of HCN in sorghum plants on both soil types. However, HCN concentration was always higher in Lipa clay than in Quingua sandy loam.

HCN concentration was high in young plants but decreased with age of the crop, indicating that sorghum is safer for livestock feeding after 60 days of growth.

Tannin concentration in sorghum grain at maturity was low in both soil types and at two levels of soil moisture regime. No significant difference in tannin content was observed in all treatments, indicating soil type and moisture level had no influence on tannin concentration.