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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Socioeconomic Resource and Conjugal Power Structure of Selected Rural Families

(Philippines), Master of Science (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Thesis Abstract:


The study attempted to test the resource theory of conjugal power in the Philippine rural setting. Specifically, it aimed to determine the decision-making patters, which are considered as indicators of conjugal power structure, in six areas of family concern, and their relation to selected socioeconomic variables.

Data were gathered form 110 couples in two barangays in Agdanagan, Quezon province. Husband and wife were interviewed simultaneously but independently of one another. Chi-square test was used for statistical analysis of data.

Findings indicated that the husband played a more significant role than the wife in three of the six decision areas studied, namely, acquiring a loan, holding any festivity in the home and extending major monetary help to relatives. Using a relatively big amount of money was situation-specific where either the husband or the wife or both made the decision. One area, division of labor in the home, was identified as thus reinforcing the traditional expectation of a wife. The number of children a couple would like to have been decided jointly.

The decision-making pattern did not show any significant association with the husband’s education, spouse educational level discrepancy and comparative value of material resources brought into the marriage. However, the wife’s employment status was related to the decision-making pattern in acquiring a loan as viewed by the wife, and to the pattern of decision-making regarding the division of labor in the home and the number of children wanted by the couple, as perceived by the husband.


Results of the study did not fully support the theory of conjugal power.