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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Perception and Attitudes of Farmer-Members toward Samahang Nayon in North Cotabato, Philippines.

(Philippines), Doctor of Philosophy (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Dissertation Abstract:

The study aimed at determining the perceptions and attitudes of rice farmer-member toward certain aspects of the Samahang Nayon in North Cotabato. Pertinent data were gathered by means of personal interviews with 420 farmers in six rice-producing towns of the province. Statistical tools used in analyzing data were frequency counts, percentages, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, t-test and chi-square test.

                Findings indicated that not all of the respondents had adequate perception of the various effects of Samahang Nayon included in the study. More than 50% were moderately aware, while the rest were slightly aware or not at all aware of the aspects considered. In terms of overall perception, the most highly perceived aspect was “membership requirements and obligations” whereas the least perceived aspect was the “characteristics of Samahang Nayon”.

                With regard to attitudes, all aspects of Samahang Nayon included in the study were apparently favored by the majority of the respondents, except two items on financial obligations of members, namely, compulsory participation of members in the savings and the capitalization program of the association. In general, items related to the “objectives of Samahang Nayon” were the most highly favored, while those referring to the “membership requirements and obligations in Samahang Nayon” were the least favored aspects.

                The respondents’ perceptions of and attitudes toward the different aspects of Samahang Nayon were not congruent, implying that the items or aspects of Samahang Nayon most highly perceived were not necessarily the most favored ones.

                The respondents considered the attainment of Samahang Nayon objectives and functions as practically nil and negligible in spite of the fact that the association had been in operation for almost five years prior to the study.

                Findings also indicated that of the 13 socioeconomic variables treated in the study, only the following five were significantly related to the respondents’ perceptions of the Samahang Nayon: educational attainment, farm tenure status, anticipated success of present cooperatives, membership status in Samahang Nayon and level of investment in the association. On the other hand, the following eight variables were found associated with the respondents’ attitudes toward the Samahang Nayon: educational attainment, size of the farm cultivated, farm tenure status, membership in farm organizations, anticipated success of present cooperatives, membership status in Samahang Nayon, impression of past cooperatives and level of investment in the association.