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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

The Adoption of Farmers' Association among farmers in Pila, Laguna Philippines

(Thailand), Master of Science (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Thesis Abstract:



The study aimed to determine the factors which motivated the farmers to adopt and become members of the farmers’ association under the UPCA/SEARCA Social Laboratory in five barrios of pila Data were gathered through personal interviews with 106 farmer-members of farmers’ associations, 42 nonmembers, and 4 Social Laboratory technicians.

Findings showed that member of the farmers’ associations belonged to the older age group, had about four years of schooling, and were long-time farmers as leaseholders or small-farm operators.

Important factors which motivated the farmers to join farmers’ associations were : (a) need for government assistance or group action to solve such problem as lack of agricultural technology, insufficient farm credit, and inadequate irrigation and drainage facilities; (b) excpectation of increasing income, gaining prestige, and solving farm problems; (c) benefits and advantage derived by members such as agricultural assistance or services from both government and private agencies acquisition of new farming techniques, purchase of farm  inputs at lower prices, and facility in securing bank loans; and (d) effective communication during farm and home visits of field technicians and formal group discussions.