The workshop was conducted to ensure efficient project operations through the development of a detailed workplan, identification of human and material resource requirements per component, and drawing up of a common calendar of activities. It was attended by the SEARCA Project Management Team, UPLB Study leaders, and a representative from the local partner Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology (MinSCAT).
The team listed the activities to be conducted specific to the component, as well as activities that could be more advantageous if undertaken together by the team members, their timelines, and tentative schedules. Resource requirements were likewise enumerated, with due consideration to stipulations in the contract and to administrative procedures and requisites. To further level off on the project site and context, and available data sets, among others, the project team looks forward to a kick-off seminar on the status and prospects of the calamansi industry in Oriental Mindoro, with technical experts from UPLB, who have assisted the province or a number of its communities in various capacities, as well as representatives from the provincial government serving as resource persons.
The project is funded by the Department of Agriculture – Bureau of Agricultural Research (DA-BAR) and implemented by SEARCA, in collaboration with UPLB, Tokyo University of Agriculture (Tokyo NODAI), the Provincial and Municipal Local Government Units (LGUs) of Oriental Mindoro, Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology (MinSCAT), and with the Victoria Kalamansi Farmers Federation (VKFF), as partner beneficiary. Dr. Pedcris M. Orencio, SEARCA Program Head for Research and Development, provides oversight to the project and Dr. Edna A. Aguilar, Director of the Institute of Crop Science (ICropS), UPLB, serves as Project Leader. (Anna Gale C. Vallez and Nyhria G. Rogel)
The technical experts work on their detailed workplan and activities. (From L-R): Dr. Filomena C. Sta. Cruz (Virologist), Dr. Edna Aguilar (Project Leader), Ms. Cherry Ann A. Osorio (M&E Field Officer, MinSCAT) and Dr. Bessie M. Burgos (Technical Advisor for Research and Development, SEARCA).
Dr, Josephine Agravante (Postharvest Specialist) (left) and Dr. Matilde Maunahan (Value Chain Specialist) (right) finalizing their workplans with the assistance of project staff