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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Confluence of Some Ecological Factors to Nutrition Knowledge and Attitudes of Husbands/wives in Lampung Province, Indonesia

(Indonesia), Doctor of Philosophy in Community Development (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Dissertation Abstract:

The study aimed to determine the confluence of some ecological factors to nutrition knowledge and attitude among husbands and wives in Lampung Province, Indonesia. Specifically, it sought to determine the nutrition knowledge and attitude to some demographic characteristics and some socioeconomic factors, involvement in related community activities, and access to sources of information to nutrition knowledge and attitudes of husbands and wives; determine the confluence of ecological factors that affect nutrition knowledge and attitude; and determine the relationship between knowledge and attitude.

The study included 205 husbands and wives selected from six villages in Way Abung transmigration area. Data were gathered using an interview schedule.

Results revealed that the husbands and wives tended to be adequately and moderately informed, respectively, about nutrition knowledge. More husbands had favorable attitude toward nutrition compared to wives.

A significant positive relationship existed between nutrition knowledge and attitudes and educational attainment of husbands and wives.

Likewise, there was a significant positive relationship between nutrition knowledge and attitude of husbands with some socioeconomic factors such as annual household income, level of living, production consumed from the rice field and dry land, production consumed from home yard, weekly consumption, and various important expenses.

A significant positive relationship existed between nutrition knowledge and attitude of wives and some socioeconomic factors such as annual household income, production consumed from home yard, and other household expenditures.

Involvement in related community activities such as membership and positions held by husbands in organizations, was positively related to their nutrition knowledge. On the other hand, positions held by wives in organizations were positively related to their nutrition knowledge and attitude while their membership in organizations was positively related to their nutrition knowledge.

A significant positive relationship also existed between nutrition knowledge and attitude of husbands and access to sources of information variables such as contact with extension worker for rice production, contact with health personnel for medical treatment, supplementary feeding and milk feeding, and exposure to mass media.

Furthermore, nutrition knowledge and attitude of wives were positively related to contact with drug store dealer for medical treatment. Results of the stepwise multiple regression revealed that educational attainment, contact with resource persons (such as extension worker, health personnel, traditional healer, and drug store dealer), exposure to mass media, food production, household expenditures, weekly consumption, membership and position in organizations, and level of living were considered as good predictors to determine nutrition knowledge and attitudes of husbands and wives.

The remaining variables did not show significant contribution. However, these variables tended to indirectly influence nutrition knowledge and attitude when two of them were combined and interacted.