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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Cooperation and Conflict Among Water Users in Tank Irrigation Systems in Northeast Thailand

(Thailand), Doctor of Philosophy in Community Development (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Dissertation Abstract:

The study was conducted to determine the nature and patterns of cooperation and conflict among the water users in tank irrigation systems and to correlate such patterns with some socio-psychological, economic, communication, physical, and agronomic factors relating to the operation and maintenance of irrigation systems. Data were collected through intensive interviews from a stratified random sample of 220 water users in northeast Thailand.

In this study, the majority of the respondents had a medium and high rate of participation in Water Users Association (WUA) activities. Most of the respondents had high degree of cooperation among themselves in water use. The water users had high level of participation in cleaning and repairing irrigation channels, with the greater number of them participating every time and occasionally.

They also ranked the president or officer of WUA and the irrigation agent as first and second person, respectively, who encouraged them to cooperated in such work. Most of the water users rated the level of problems and conflict in using irrigation water in the systems as medium. The water users preferred the president of officer of WUA and village headman to resolve conflict among themselves. They said solving conflict by "managing through WUA" and "cooperating among water users" were the first and second most frequent methods, respectively.

Based on prediction analysis, the water users, who enjoyed benefits from cleaning and repairing the canals, had discussions with irrigation agents, possessed knowledge of irrigation, and were more likely to have a high level of participation in WUA activities. Moreover, those who benefited from cleaning and repairing canals were also more likely to participate in the cleaning and repairing of the irrigation channels. It was also found that the higher the level of satisfaction with irrigation service among the users of irrigation water, the more likely they cooperated among themselves.

Based on the finding, it was recommended that to accelerate irrigation development, the development policy should emphasize the short course training for officers and members of the WUA as well as in-service training for local irrigation agents, In addition, the specific information content of such training should include the improved coordination and cooperation of all agencies and individuals concerned. Dry season cropping should be encouraged among water users to use the water fully and increase the irrigated area for agricultural production.