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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Administrative simplification as a route to local administrative reform: The case of the One Stop Window Service (OSWS) in Battambang District, Battambang Province, Cambodia

(Cambodia), Master of Public Affairs in Local Governance and Development (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Thesis Abstract:

The study was conducted in Battambang District, Battambang Province, Cambodia, which is one of the pilot districts where the administration of the OSWS as an administrative reform in the local government has been implemented. It aimed to identify and analyze the factors that led to the creation of the One Stop Window Service (OSWS); describe the administration simplification reforms via the OSWS in terms of service delivery to its clients and the size of delegated authority; and identify the essential factors for the success of the OSWS in Battambang District.
The study had a total of 130 respondents consisting of officials and staff of OSWS, and clients in Battambang District. Data were gathered through the use of structured questionnaire and analyzed using the descriptive method.
Results of the study showed that OSWS is one of the major steps of the Royal Government of Cambodia in public service delivery. OSWS is client-oriented. It makes sure that services are accessible, of good quality, cheap, timely, simple, reliable, and responsive to needs of its clients. This is how OSWS operates—closer to the general public with quality services delivered more efficiently and effectively.
The administration of the OSWS in the district of Battambang was undertaken through an organized process in order to attend to the needs of the public and reduce administrative processes for the provision of quality, transparent, least expensive, and timely service.
Like any other programs, the implementation of the OSWS at the local level encountered difficulties in understanding and implementing this new mode of service delivery. Local government units still assign/delegate authority to officials with ineligible skills or never provide any delegation authority to some local government units, especially the One Window Service Office. The OSWS did not have enough delegation power and support from the government center, which provide small considerations for OSWS that are quite improper with the present needs of people at the local level.
In the light of the benefits derived by the commune in the establishment of OSWS, the local government units of Cambodia are still faced with challenges to improve services in terms of budget allocation, human resource development, and better delegation of authority through the passage of an organic law that would empower the local government units. It is hoped that the local government units not only in Battambang Province will get all the delegation of authority it needs from central government to implement the OSWS program better.