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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Nature-based tourism response toward the challenge of climate change: A case study in Tanjung Puting National Park

(Indonesia), Master of Science in Tourism Planning (Gadjah Mada University)

Thesis Abstract:

Climate may affect the quality and type of tourism activities that develop within a region. There are some natural tourism resources which are very vulnerable toward direct and indirect impacts of climate change threats. Increased extreme temperatures and changes in length of winter or summer may affect visitors’ length of stay. On the other hand, tourism may contribute to global warming through gas emissions from transportation, accommodation, and other related tourism activities. In 2005, the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) predicted that if tourism business is run on a “business-as-usual” scenario and there is no response or adaptation program, the emissions produced from the tourism sector in 2035 will increase 161 percent higher than today. Considering these facts, the UNWTO invites
overall stakeholder of individuals to the State level responding to the climate change phenomena by implementing adaptation program in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and preventing global warming threats.
This study aimed to understand the characteristics of visitor typology and their points of view toward the climate change phenomena, and to explore and assess adaptation program that can be developed in Tanjung Puting National Park based on their perspective. The results of this study were as follows:
   1. The tourism market of Tanjung Puting National Park has a      feature of ‘ecotourist’with high awareness and concerns toward  environmental issues, including the threat of climate change  phenomena. Visitors of Tanjung Puting  National Park have high  ethical manner for nature and local culture. Generally, the  visitors  have high education and income, which indicate the high potential  for engaging them to environmental conservation.
   2. The visitors of Tanjung Puting National Park realize that climate  change is a serious challenge that needs concrete action. Some  adaptation programs desired by the visitors are fund-raising  programs for Orangutan conservation and its habitat. The visitors are  likely willing to give a donation of IDR 172,000. Such concept of
 donation is a mechanism to offset emissions generated due their  visits by providing funds for conservation efforts. The visitors  encourage managers of the destination for improvisation and  technology investment in the boat (kelotok) machine, which is
 efficient and has less noise. The visitors also encourage the Tanjung  Puting National Park authority to limit the number of visitors in order  to protect the tourism resource of the park and maintain the quality  of visits.
   3. The visitors are unwilling to join other guests in any public boat  of larger capacity to keep fuel efficiency and GHG mitigation.  Merging the visitors with another group reduces the quality of their  trip in Tanjung Puting. The visitors are also unwilling to engage in  any plantation activities in their destination during their visit.