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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Communication and Sociocultural Determinants of Social and Physical Adaptability Among Indonesian Transmigrants

(Indonesia), Doctor of Philosophy in Development Communication (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Dissertation Abstract:


The objective of this study was to describe the communication (mass media ownership and network indices) and sociocultural (age, education and organizational membership) variables influencing transmigrants’ ability to adapt to their new environment, as well as the contexts of the transmigration program. Analysis was done in three levels, namely: national, regional (province and kabupaten), and resettlement.

Transmigration, as a program related to uneven population among Indonesian islands, was started in 1905 by the Dutch colonial government and then continued by the government of Republic of Indonesia. The program has economic, political and social objectives. Until 1998, the program was able to move more than one million households from Java, Bali, and Lombok islands to Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Irian Jaya. From the new settlements formed by the program, around 2,500 new villages, 73 new kecamatans, and seven new kabupatens were formed.

At the national level, the transmigrants’ physical and social adaptability were poor. Their agricultural productivity was low, and as a consequence, their economic condition was also low. Social adaptability was likewise low, as indicated by social conflicts among and between transmigrants and host population. Cases showed that communication contributed to social adaptability. In many UPTs, regular meetings discussing social and agricultural issues were useful in lowering the incidence of conflicts in the transmigration area. At the regional level, the transmigrants’ physical and social adaptability were better than at the national level. The transmigration resettlement units in South Kalimantan were able to attract spontaneous migrants. Cultural background of Banjar people contributed to high social adaptability of transmigrants.

At the UPT level of analysis, from four communication variables, no variable determined agricultural productivity. The poor agricultural productivity determined more by the physical condition of UPT. This was probably due to the poor condition of UPT Kayu Habang, especially during the occurrence of floods.

The changes in economic condition were determined by local centrality. This phenomenon was related to the poor agricultural condition. The changes of social conditions were determined by communication variables, except mass media ownership and betweenness. The more relationship a person has with other people, the better is his/her ability to adapt to his/her social environment. This implies that communication activity (more contact with other persons) reduces social tension.

From three sociocultural variables, only educational attainment was significantly correlated with adaptability. Age and organizational membership were not good predictors of social and physical adaptability.

The transmigration program should apply a proper communication strategy from project preparation to project implementation. Better communication strategy is one determinant of transmigration success. For further studies, it is recommended to investigate other respondents and settlement types.