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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Water quality evaluation of Nam Xong River in Vangvieng District, Vientiane Province, Lao People’s Democratic Republic

(Lao PDR), Master of Science in Environmental Science (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Thesis Abstract:

The study was conducted to contribute to the improvement of the Sustainable Management Plan for Nam Xong River. Four villages along Nam Xong River in Vangvieng District were selected for the study. A total of 90 respondents were interviewed for the assessment of the knowledge on the importance, perception of the current status, and attitudes regarding the Nam Xong River that affect their behavior toward the river. The assessment of the parameters for water quality was based from the analysis of the water samples collected from three sampling stations. The parameters that were analyzed included water temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and fecal coliform.
Results of the interview showed that majority, or almost all respondents were knowledgeable on the importance, uses, prohibited activities, and factors affecting the water quality of the river. The results of the water quality analysis showed that all nine water quality parameters were still within the water quality standard established by NES-Lao PDR affirming the findings of the 2008 study on the Status of Water Environmental Quality and Current Major Issues in Lao PDR that concluded that water quality throughout the country as well as the Mekong River generally varies between “very good” and “good.” Likewise, results of the survey showed a relatively higher level of knowledge and positive perception and attitude of the respondents on the resource.
The study concluded that knowledge, perception, and attitude of the communities
over the resource on which they are dependent were indeed major factors that
influence the status of the resource. This would mean that communities that are well
informed on the importance and the interactions that affect the state of the resource
could have a positive perception and attitude toward the resource. These communities
will not undertake activities that will lead to the deterioration of the resource.
Based from the findings, the probability of identifying and implementing a sustainable management strategy for Nam Xong River will be high. The strategy should however be based on the real needs not only of the community but also of the resource. Again, the importance of public consultation and participation of the stakeholders should be taken seriously.