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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Resilience to climate change of coastal communities in the Red River Delta Biological Reserve, Vietnam

(Vietnam), Doctor of Philosophy in Community Development (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Dissertation Abstract:

The primary occupation of the people in the community is agricultural production generating an annual income of less than VND 10 million. Their garden size range from 0.6 sao to 1 sao, however, they have no livelihood when there is typhoon. Communities are aware that their income is at risk with climate change.
Almost all people have knowledge on climate change such as more storms, floods, and drought. The people prepare materials to shield their houses and prepare food for incoming typhoon. They monitor the weather bulletin, evacuate the elderly and children, and collaborate with concerned organizations. Communities have found ways in managing disasters effectively.
Communities have plans to raise dikes, upgrade the drainage system, restore flood plain, change water use, conserve mangrove forests, and adopt insurance. People in these communities possess talent and skill (e.g., swimming) in order to adjust to climate change but they want to develop further their skills and to gain more knowledge to be prepared. In terms of the training related to climate change, majority were not able to attend.
Climate change has a significant impact in agricultural production but the households’ plan focuses on house renovation with lack of concern on knowing alternative means for sustainable livelihood.
Communities had limited knowledge on climate change and their knowledge varied. The plans of the communities were based from their knowledge. They put into practice what they know and what they plan. The need for training with regard to climate adaptation strategies should therefore be considered.
Results of the correlation revealed that there was positive linear association on knowledge and physical capital; positive but weak linear association on social and human capital and practice, and social and natural capital and practice on climate change adaptation.