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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Paw San Rice Adoption in Myanmar

(Myanmar), Master of Science in Agricultural and Resource Economics (Kasetsart University)

Thesis Abstract:

Paw San rice was considered the world’s best rice in 2011 and has been popular for domestic consumption in Myanmar. Despite its popularity, the production of Paw San rice in Myanmar is still very limited. The purposes of this study were (1) to compare cost and return between Paw San rice and non-Paw San rice cultivation by analyzing net profit, and (2) to determine factors influencing Paw San rice adoption by employing a logit choice model. Data were collected from 561 rice farms of 370 rice farmers in Sagaing and Ayeyarwaddy regions, in the monsoon season of 2013.

The results showed that total revenue and total profit of Paw San rice was higher than non-Paw San rice even with lower yield. Milled rice and paddy had higher selling price in the domestic market. Total cost of Paw San rice production was greater than non-Paw San rice production only in Sagaing region mainly due to extensive use of farm machinery, use of pesticides to protect the rice from stem borer, and application of chemical fertilizer to increase yield. Farmer’s education, farm experience, total farm size, and rain at harvest time were influencing factors on Paw San rice adoption. Furthermore, perception of taste, yield, market access, and resistance to rice stem borer also affected Paw San rice adoption. In order to promote Paw San rice adoption in Myanmar, this study suggests planting early maturing and high yielding varieties resistant to rice stem borer, as well as avoiding planting in the monsoon season. The promotion of Paw San rice among those who have longer farm experience, higher education, and larger farms could increase the production of Paw San rice in Myanmar.