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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Impact of farmers’ field school on rice production in Municipality of Macalelon, Quezon Province, Philippines

(Vietnam), Master of Science in Agricultural Economics (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Thesis Abstract:

The study evaluated the impact of farmers’ field school (FFS) on rice production in the municipality of Macalelon, Quezon Province, Philippines. FFS is an agricultural extension program, which is based on Palaycheck system. The purpose of FFS program is to improve awareness of farmers regarding farming practices. Data were collected through interviews with farmers in Barangay Mambog and Barangay Olongtao Ilaya using questionnaires. Propensity score used in regression (covariance) adjustment method was applied to examine the impact of the FFS program. Results showed that participation in the FFS program increased the knowledge of farmers in Barangay Mambog and Barangay Olongtao Ilaya regarding rice production. In terms of yield, FFS farmers in Barangay Mambog had higher yield than non-FFS farmers with the difference of approximately 330 kg/ha for the dry season 2013–2014, and approximately 400 kg/ha for the wet season 2013–2014. Correspondingly, FFS farmers in Barangay Olongtao Ilaya also recorded higher rice yields than non-FFS farmers with the difference of around 300 kg/ha during the wet season 2013–2014. However, the impact of the FFS program on rice income was not significant in both Barangay Mambog and Barangay Olongtao lIaya.