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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

An Econometric Analysis of Milkfish Consumer Demand in the Province of Iloilo, Philippines

(Philippines), Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Economics (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Dissertation Abstract:

This study aimed to increase the overall competitiveness of the milkfish industry in the province of Iloilo through market-oriented industry direction. It investigated the (1) usage patterns, attitudes, and behavior of milkfish consumers; (2) different product features being sought by consumers and how much they are willing to pay for each of these attributes; and (3) factors affecting demand for milkfish. Results of the study were essential inputs in order for economic agents to deliver products consistent to the desired market specification. A market-oriented industry was envisioned to transform the provincial milkfish industry to become more competitive.

The research was conducted in the province of Iloilo using primary data gathered from personal interview with 378 purchase decision-makers. Respondents were identified through two-stage random sampling with degree of urbanization and congressional district as bases for stratification. Results of the study revealed that consumer behavior toward milkfish varied across sociodemographic variables. It further showed that consumers put higher premium to color of the eyes, provision of value-added services, product processing, and place where the product is sold. Key factors affecting demand for milkfish included price of beef, price of tilapia, educational attainment of the purchase decision-maker, and age. Theoretical contributions, managerial implications, and policy recommendations of the findings were presented.