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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Multidimensional Indicators of Adaptive Capacity of Rice Farming Households to Address Varying Conditions of Seawater Intrusion in Northern Mindanao, Philippines

(Philippines), Doctor of Philosophy in Development Studies (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Dissertation Abstract:

This study applied the adaptive development framework in analyzing adaptation to slow onset event. Specifically, it aimed to determine comprehensively the multidimensional indicators of adaptive capacity of rural rice-farming households to address seawater intrusion in Northern Mindanao. In addition, it aimed to develop measure-based index to account for adaptation processes and define household-level variables that will potentially explain adaptive capacity by means of a principal component analysis and a regression model. The developed measure-based adaptation index (MAI) addressed a number of shortcomings of previous studies and captured the variation in adaptation measures implemented by rice farmers. The measure- based adaptation index of the farmer indicated that adaptation takes place at different levels based on the propensity to adapt, the variety and diversity of adoption of various measures, the feasibility of the various measures, and the varying conditions of seawater intrusion. The research has established that the model of adaptation for seawater intrusion is largely influenced by the economic capacity of the rice farmers, which is crucial in the optimization of the adaptation measures employed. The study highlighted the need for development policy to address existing and anticipated risks due to seawater intrusion in rice farms.