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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Dry matter and protein yields of selected adlai (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) varieties under varying nutrient applications

(Philippines), Master of Science in Agronomy (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Thesis Abstract:

Coix lacryma-jobi L., locally known as adlai, is a potential alternative to rice but there is limited local information about growth and yield, dry matter (DM) partitioning, protein content, and nitrogen (N) use efficiency of this crop as affected by N, phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) application levels. The research was conducted from December 2022 to July 2023 in Bongabon, Nueva Ecija where production of adlai is not yet documented. In this study, different levels of NPK were applied to 'Ginampay' and 'Kiboa' adlai varieties. Highest DM (8.38 t ha-1) was obtained in plants fertilized with NPK levels (B5-151-28-28 kg ha-1). Medium (113 kg ha-1) and high N (151 kg ha-1) applications resulted in 50% greater partitioning to the leaves. Recommended NPK levels (B2-113-21-21 kg ha-1) enhanced early flowering and percent filled grains, while the application of B5 resulted in delayed flowering and significantly increased the plant height, number of productive tillers, partitioning to the leaves, grain yield (580 kg higher than B2), chlorophyll content, crude protein content, other yield components, and Nuse efficiency of adlai varieties. 'Kiboa' applied with B5 had a higher grain yield (2.13 t ha-1) and harvest index (0.25) than 'Ginampay', due to its higher number of productive tillers, heavier and bigger grain size, and greater total DM. 'Ginampay' had higher N uptake, N recovery use efficiency (aNUE), and agronomic efficiency (AE) due to its higher N concentration in the tissue eventually increased crude protein content. Results in N use efficiency indicate that further increase (151 kg ha-1) in N levels based on the recommended (131 kg ha-1) increased the aNUE and AE. The application of 151-28-28 kg NPK ha-1 to 'Kiboa' is recommended for higher grain yield. However, timing of fertilizer application particularly third application before or after flowering and use of short stature variety can be tried in the area (Type 1 condition). The use of higher level of N greater than (151 kg N ha-1) be evaluated in future study to attain maximum yields of adlai in the area, although optimum levels of nutrient application would be evaluated based on optimum economic use of nutrient application.