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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Chicken Production Systems in Southeast Vietnam

(Vietnam), Doctor of Philosophy in Animal Science (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Dissertation Abstract:


The study was conducted in two provinces in Southeast Vietnam to look into the characteristics of two chicken production systems: the complete confinement system with hybrid white broilers, and the complete/semi-confinement system with colored chickens. These characteristics were determined along with relationships to the chicken breeder complies, feed mills, veterinary medicine and facilities suppliers, and government agencies.

Differences between complete confinement and semi-confinement systems were attributed to the breed raised, type of house floor, nutrient density and cost of feed used, and performances of the white broilers compared to colored chickens raised. White broiler production had the advantage of providing high profit (absolute value) to raisers because of better broiler performance, efficient use of farm land, high volume of chicks, feed, medicine purchased, and more batches of birds raised per year. Colored chicken production, on the other hand, had lower risk from diseases, high stable price for both day-old chicks and finished chicken, lower input requirements, and higher efficiency of investment.

The chicken farms were operated under the interaction among farm owners, input suppliers, and other agencies such as extension stations, local veterinarians, and university. These interactions could be business, supportive collaborative, competitive, or monopoly depending on the change in the market. Unstable market price was the key factor, which had the most effect on farmers’ profit from chicken raising. The choice of the system for chicken production depended on the financial capability of farmers, available land area, experiences on farming, and of predicting market demand for chicken meat.

To improve the productivity and profitability of chicken production in the study sites, the following suggestions were recommended: (1) establish rural banks in the area to meet the capital needs of chicken raisers; (2) enhance the technical know-how of farmers through training courses, seminars and other kind of extension works; (3) increase the capacity of colored chicken breeder farms in producing greater number of quality parent stocks; (4) establish closer links between white broiler breeder farms and farmers in the production of day-old chicks; (5) encourage the local production of feed grains to reduce excessive dependence on imports; (6) promote the efficient utilization of farm by-products in poultry feed production, reducing import tax on feed ingredients; (7) focus poultry management procedures on disease prevention and control, and make veterinary services available to farmers; (8) encourage some kind of cooperative system among poultry raisers and close coordination between poultry producers and middlemen for orderly marketing of finished chickens; and (9) create an effective data monitoring system to provide database and up-to-date information related to chicken production and marketing.