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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Consumption Expenditure Analysis of Farm Household in Riam Kanan Irrigation Area, South Kalimantan

(Indonesia), Master of Science in Economics (Gadjah Mada University)



The objectives of the study were to (1) know the farmers’ income sources and the income in irrigation and non-irrigation areas; (2) examine the differentiation of farmers’ consumption expenditure pattern in irrigation and non-irrigation areas, particularly for staple food; and (3) examine the factors that influence the farmers’ consumption expenditure.

The primary sources of farmer household income in irrigated area were from paddy farm, non-paddy farm, and off-farm; while the farmer household income in non-irrigated area came from paddy farm and off-farm. Both total income and per capita income were lower in non-irrigated area.

The pattern of staple food in irrigated and non-irrigated areas tended to be single (concentrated in rice). The average consumption of corn and cassava was in smaller amount, therefore both corn and cassava being complementary to rice.

The regression analysis showed that consumption expenditure was much influenced by the number of household labor, number of household non-labor, and physical environment. Rice consumption expenditure was influenced by the number of household labor and number of household non-labor; food consumption expenditure by the size of rice field, number of household labor, number of household non-labor, farm physical environment; and non-food consumption expenditure by the size of rice field, size of non-rice field, age of farmers, number of household labor, number of household non-labor, farm physical environment. The total expenditure was influenced by the size of the rice field, size of non-rice field, number of household labor, number of household non-labor, and farm physical environment.