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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

The Effects of Different Density Level and Rations on the Productivity of Three Species of Domesticated Local Crickets

(Indonesia), Doctor of Philosophy in Animal Science (Bogor Agricultural University)



In the development of cricket farming, important information with regard to raising method, type of crickets, feedstuff, density level, sex ratio, and its productivity is essential. This study was conducted from March to December 2000 at the laboratory of Non-Ruminant and Prospective Animals, The Faculty of Animal Science, IPB Bogor. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different density level and rations on the productivity of three species of domesticated local crickets, namely: Gryllus bimaculatus De Geer, G. mitratus Burn, and G. testaceus Walk. The results indicated that the density level of approximately 1,000 crickets per box had no significant influence on growth performance of the three species of local crickets. Nevertheless, higher density level tended to increase mortality rate especially for G. bimaculatus (rate of mortality = 45.86%). The use of feed combination of formulated ration plus mustard greens resulted in better growth performance and higher egg production compared with the combination of formulated ration plus papaya leaves. The type of feedstuff had no significant influence (p < .01) on egg hatchability. On the other hand, there was no difference among sex ratio on egg production of cricket. The results of this study showed that sex ratio of male and female of 1:1 and 1:5 had no significant influence on hatchability but there was a tendency of decreasing hatchability at the ratio 1:9. Overall, among the three species, G. bimaculatus and G. mitratus were potential to develop. G. bimaculatus was good in terms of growth performance, and G. mitratus was good in egg production.