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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Communication Factors Associated with Farmers' Knowledge and Perceptions of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Corn Technology in Bukidnon, Philippines

(Philippines), Master of Science in Development Communication (University of the Philippines Los Baños)



This study was an attempt to determine the Bukidnon corn farmers’ awareness, level of knowledge, and perceptions of the Bt corn technology and its local field testing, and the reasons for such perceptions. Moreover, acceptance of the technology as well as support for the conduct of field testing was also ascertained. 

Data were gathered through personal interviews using an interview schedule from January to February 2002.

Descriptive data were analyzed through percentages, means, and frequencies. More farmers (54.44%) were aware of the Bt corn technology compared with those (40%) who knew about the efficacy tests of the innovation. Yet generally, there was low awareness and moderate level of knowledge among the respondents on both Bt corn technology and field testing. Lack of information was a salient reason for ignorance of the technology and the on-going field testing.

More than half of the respondents (53.74%) who were aware of the Bt corn technology favorably perceived it while a close 46.26 percent held a negative view. One hundred three farmers (70%) claimed that the technology was acceptable. On the other hand, majority of the respondents (61.11%) had positive outlook of the field testing of Bt corn while only 42 farmers (38.89%) perceived the scientific activity unfavorably. About one-third of the respondents professed their willingness to support the field testing of Bt corn.

The Chi-square test gave the following significant findings:

1. Communication factors affected the respondents’ level of knowledge as well as perceptions of Bt corn technology and its local field testing.

2. There was a relationship between respondents’ awareness and perceptions of Bt corn technology, and their awareness and perceptions of local Bt corn field testing.

3. The level of knowledge and perceptions of the respondents of Bt corn technology affected their acceptance of the technology.

4. Respondents’ support for the conduct of local Bt corn field testing was only dependent on their perceptions.

5. Acceptance of the Bt corn technology influenced their support for the conduct of local Bt corn field testing.

Information is vital to better decision making yet communication factors influence what people know and how they understand things and events in their environment, which in turn affect their behavior to such phenomena.