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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Design, Construction and Evaluation of Marang (Artocarpus odoratissima) Juice Extractor

(Philippines), Master of Science in Agricultural Engineering (University of the Philippines Los Baños)



A marang juice extractor was designed and developed at the Agricultural Machinery Division, Institute of Agricultural Engineering, College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology, University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, Laguna. The actual test was conducted at Mindanao State University, Marawi City.


The extractor was made of locally available materials and simple in operation, practically efficient and effective. During the test, three mass-water ratios (1:1, 1:1.5, and 1:2) and three speeds (200, 266, and 333 rpm) were used. Mass-water ratio 1:1 gave the highest performance in terms of seed separation efficiency (86.18%), throughput capacity (93.93 kg/hr), fiber extraction efficiency (95.36%), capacity ratio (48.34 kg/hr/kg/hr), and overall acceptability (87.95%). Two hundred rpm showed the best performance with respect to seed separation efficiency (88.88%), extraction efficiency (86.63%), machine efficiency (65.13%), and overall acceptability (77.13%). The machine was generally observed to operate at maximum performance at masswater ratio 1:1 and at 200 rpm. At this condition, therefore, the machine performance characteristics were seed separation efficiency, 93.19 percent; throughput capacity, 81.86 kg/hr; fiber extraction efficiency, 93.94 percent; extraction capacity, 46.79 kg/ hr; extraction efficiency, 78.01 percent; capacity ratio, 40.45 kg/hr/kg/hr; machine efficiency, 56.67 percent; and overall acceptability, 90.05 percent.

A sensory evaluation for the acceptability of the mechanically extracted juice with respect to sensory factors (color, odor, and taste) was conducted. No significant difference was noticed on sensory factors in all treatment combinations. However, overall acceptability of the extracted juice showed significant difference with respect to mass-water ratio.