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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Acidity and Flavor of Fermented Durian (Tempoyak)

(Indonesia), Doctor of Philosophy in Food Science (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Dissertation Abstract:


This study evaluated the biochemical changes that occur during the fermentation of durian (tempoyak). Tempoyak is fermented food made by mixing durian pulp with salt in a sealed container for seven days. Information on how fermentation might affect the flavor and acidity of tempoyak is sparse, hence this study.

Results showed that the most organic acid found in tempoyak was malic acid (145.9 mg/mL), followed by lactic acid (34.1 mg/mL), and small amounts of acetic acid (14.2 mg/mL). A rapid range in pH from 6.9-7.0 to 4.0-4.15 was observed four days after fermentation. This change was attributed to significant increase in titrable acidity, nonvolatile acid, and volatile acid. Flavor examination revealed that tempoyak components were dominated by sulfur compounds; namely, diethyl tyrisulfide, disulfide diethyl, and ethane, 1-1-bis ethylthio.