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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Biology of Two Spider Mites (Acari: Tetranychidae) of Roses (Rosa sp.) and a Phytoseiid Predator (Acari: Phytoseiidae) and Its Biological Control Potential

(Philippines), Doctor of Philosophy in Entomology (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Dissertation Abstract:


Mites pass through egg, larval, protonymph, and deutonymph stages reaching the adult stage. Average duration (in days) of the life stages for female and male Tetranychus uricae were incubation period, 3.43+0.11 and 3.63+0.11; larva, 1.70+0.24 and 1.68+0.09; protonymph, 1.63+0.07 and 1.72+0.12; and deutonymph, 1.83+0.09 and 2.23+0.29, respectively. Female mites completed development within average of 8.60+0.24 and 9.22+0.35 days for the males. Adult males live longer than females.

Arrhenotokous parthenogenesis and bisexual mean of reproduction were observed in T. uricae. On the average, preoviposition, oviposition, and post-oviposition periods (in days) were as follows: 1.06+0.14, 10.08+0.72, and 3.70+0.14, respectively. Fecundity ranged from 11 to 126 eggs. Hatchability of eggs ranged from 85.11 to 100 percent. Sex ratio was 2 females to 1 male.

Duration of life stages (in days) for female and male Oligonychus biharensis, on the average were: incubation period, 4.97+0.16 and 4.05+0.22; larva, 2.35+0.09 and 2.35+0.22; protonymph, 1.88+0.13 and 2.10+0.13, and deutonymph, 1.94+0.11 and 1.35+1.20, respectively. Females completed development within an average of 11.14+0.31 days and males within 9.85+0.37 days. Adult females live longer than males.

Deuterotokous parthenogenesis and bisexual means of reproduction were observed in O. biharensis. On the average, preoviposition, oviposition, and postoviposition periods (in days) were: 1.73+0.19, 7.69+058, and 1.80+0.30, respectively. Fecundity ranged from two to 63 eggs. Hatchability of eggs ranged from 72 to 100 percent. Sex ratio was three females to one male.

Average duration (in days) of the life stages of female Proprioseiopsis lenis were: incubation period, 1.37+0.07; larva, 0.89+0.04; protonymph, 1.03+0.05, and deutonymph, 1.20+0.08. Development was completed within an average of 4.50+0.12 days. Mean adult longevity was 20.45+1.50 days. On the average, preoviposition, oviposition, and post-oviposition period (in days) were: 1.95+0.22, 16.20+1.31, and 2.67, respectively. Fecundity ranged from seven to 74 eggs. Hatchability of eggs ranged from 98 to 100 percent.

Female P. lenis preferred T. uricae larvae as prey and could be satiated at 30 larvae prey density. Based on total developmental and oviposition periods, longevity, fecundity, and % egg hatchability of P. lenis relative to the pests, P. lenis could be an effective predator.