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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Preparation of Surimi-like Products from Broiler and Culled Egg-type Ducks (Anas Platyrhynchos Linn.) Meat

(Indonesia), Master of Science in Animal Science (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Thesis Abstract:

The possibility of using broiler and culled egg-type duck meat for the manufacture of surimi-like products was evaluated. The procedure used was modified from surimi processing. The meat was ground three times through a 5mm diameter grinder blade. Ground duck meat was washed with either iced tap water (treatment 1), 0.1 percent NaCl solution (treatment 2) of 0.5 percent NaHCO3 solution (treatment 3) three times. Unwashed ground meat was used as control.

Percent recovery of surimi-like products for treatment 1, treatment 2, and treatment 3 were 81.87, 81.23 and 79.11 percent for culled egg-type duck meat and 79.24, 77.4 and 86.49 percent for broiler-type duck meat, respectively. Surimilike products had higher (p < .05) myofibrillar proteins and pH but lower (p < .05) sarcoplasmic proteins and myoglobin contents than the unwashed ground meat. The salt insoluble proteins were not affected by washing treatments.

Water holding capacity, as expressed in percent free water, emulsion capacity and stability of surimi-like products were not significantly different from the control (p > .05). Gel made from surimi-like products was more tender and less firm than gel made from unwashed ground meat.

Surimi-like products, regardless of the treatments, had lighter color and higher general appearance scores than the control (p < .05). Odor scores ranged from perceptible to none.

The use of both broiler and culled egg-type duck meat was technically feasible for manufacturing surimi-like products but the products were very expensive. Under the condition of the study, the cheapest surimi-like products were obtained from broiler-type duck meat washed with 0.5 percent NaHCO3 solution at PHP285.76 per kg.