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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Wheat Decision Support System (WDSS): A Decision Support System for Determining Wheat Potential Areas in Lombok Island

(Indonesia), Master of Science in Agricultural Engineering (Bogor Agricultural University)

Thesis Abstract:


Wheat is one of Indonesia’s major food, which is imported from producer countries. In 1986, import value of wheat and its derivative products was about USD 296 million. In 2001, the value reached USD one billion (BPS 2002).

Self-production of local wheat is one way to release the country from import dependency. However, there are many challenges to be faced in growing wheat in Indonesia, such as agroclimate suitability, crop varieties, sowing time, pest and diseases, and competition with high valuable crops. Therefore, comprehensive analysis should be performed before deciding whether to cultivate or not.

This research used spatial compromise programming to find the optimum location for growing wheat. There were five criteria considered in this research; namely, wheat productivity, wheat maturity age, labor sufficiency ratio, economic relative value, and potential profit. Wheat productivity and maturity age were derived from Shierary Wheat model. Labor sufficiency ratio was defined as the ratio between available labor and labor requirement, whereas the last two economic criteria were based on potential revenue and production cost. Wheat optimum areas were indicated by minimum Lp value. By using decision-making technique where potential yield, crop age, labor sufficiency ratio, economic relative value, and potential profit were weighted 0.4, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1, and 0.1 respectively, it was found that potential areas are located in the middle region of the island.




*BPS (Badan Pusat Statistik). 1996. Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia: Impor 2001, Volume 1 (Indonesia Foreign Trade Statistics: Imports 2001). Jakarta.