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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Benefit-cost Analysis of Coral Reef Conservation Program in Gili Indah Village of West Lombok District of West Nusa Tenggara Province

(Indonesia), Master of Science in Tropical Marine Resources Economics (Bogor Agricultural University)

Thesis Abstract:


The study aimed to know the (1) total benefit of the coral reef conservation program, (2) total cost of the coral reef conservation program, and (3) economic possibility of the coral reef conservation program. By valuation method, results of the study showed that the total benefit of the conservation program was IDR 114 billion/y. The biggest benefit came from non-extractive direct benefit (IDR 83 billion/y). The total cost of coral reef conservation program was IDR 3.9 million/ year, with the biggest share coming from social cost (IDR 2.7 million/y). The market discount rate of 9.8 percent (including social cost) showed positive net present value (NPV) of IDR 110 billion/y. Meanwhile, without social cost, positive NPV was IDR 113 billion/y. Cost effectiveness of Satgas Gili Indah with social cost was IDR 2.2 billion and IDR 232 million without social cost. Cost effectiveness of Bali Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) was around IDR 850 million. Based on the economic possibility criteria, coral reef conservation program in Gili Indah Village is possible.