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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

The Analysis of Tidal Swamp Farm Changes: A Case Study in Indragiri Hilir Regency, Riau Province

(Indonesia), Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Economics (Gadjah Mada University)



The aims of this research were to study the (1) shifting of income sources of transmigrant household, (2) income sources of swakarsa transmigrant and compare to the general transmigrant in the tidal swamp, and (3) factors influencing the income of transmigrants.

Two districts in the Indragiri Hilir Regency and two villages from each district were purposively taken. Means two difference test, trend analysis, multiple regression analysis, and proporcy test were used to analyze data.

Results of the study showed the following:

1. There was a shift of income source (1975-2002) from food crops (paddy + palawija) to coconut + coconut sugar, and it increased off-farm activities. A shift of income source could be looked at: (a) a shift of land function-- shifting occured without change in farm I (paddy + palawija) but farm II (coconut) getting wider, and (b) a shift of land function by changing farm I (paddy + palawija) to farm II (coconut) and increasing width of farm II.

2. The income of a family with five members had income a little higher than the minimum physical need in 2002 in Riau. The income of a swakarsa transmigrant was higher than that of a general transmigrant.

3. The factors influencing income from coconut + coconut sugar were farm size, number of household labor, number of paid labor, farmer education (husband and wife), output price ratio (ratio of coconut price to paddy), and transmigrant group (swakarsa and general).

4. The factors influencing income from paddy + palawija were paid labor, output price ratio, and transmigrant group.

5. The factors influencing income from off-farm activity were number of household labor, number of labor absorbed by copra factory, number of labor absorbed by coconut and coconut sugar enterprise, and transmigrant group.

6. The factors influencing income from non-farm activity were number of household labor, gestation period, harvest failure frequency, and transmigarnt group.

7. The factors influencing income from other activity were farm size, wife education, and transmigrant group.

8. The factors influencing total income were farm size, farmer education (husband and wife), number of household labor, number of paid labor, output price ratio, transport cost, harvest failure frequency, and transmigrant group;

9. The factors influencing income of total transmigrants were adalah farm size, husband education, wife education, number of household labor, output ratio, and transmigrant group.