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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Population Dynamics of Hirschamannlella Mucronata and Hirschmannlella Oryzae on Sesbanla Rostrata, Aeschynomene Afraspera, and Rice Variety IR58

(Indonesia), Master of Science in Zoology (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Thesis Abstract:


The influence of Sesbania rostrata, Aeschynomene afraspera, and rice on the population dynamics of two rice-root nematode species, Hirschmanniella oryzae and H. mucronata, were studied in field and greenhouse experiments during the 1989 wet season.

The first experiment was conducted in two sites (fields 926 and UFI) at the experimental field of the International Rice Research Institute. H. oryzae and H. mucronata were the most predominant nematode species in fields 926 and UFI, respectively.

Soil and root populations of both nematode species were suppressed by the trap crops while rice favored their increase. Nematode population gradually decreased to almost zero toward the end of the growth stage of S. rostrata and A. ajraspera.

The second experiment was conducted at the greenhouse of the Institute of Biological Sciences, University of the Philippines Los Banos, to augment and confirm results of the field study. Different inoculum levels of both nematode species were inoculated into two-week old seedlings of S. rostrata and A. afraspera, and rice grown in clay plots.

Results of the greenhouse study were similar to those of the field experiment. Nematode population was suppressed by both trap crops regardless of inoculum level while rice supported the multiplication and development of both nematode species.